Coming from Tehran, Iran, Fatemeh Janatabadi is a Ph.D. student studying under the supervision of Dr. Alireza Ermagun in the Geography and Geoinformation Science Department at George Mason University. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and a master’s degree in Railway Track Engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology. Fatemeh has broadened her research focus from the railway to transport planning, bringing with it a passion for data analysis and a desire to apply it to complex, multidisciplinary problems. Interested in measuring and evaluating public transit performance, her research involves exploring and analyzing methods to provide information about the efficiency and reliability of transit networks using large datasets. Fatemeh intends to pursue her career in academia after her doctoral program. 


Jacquelyn Erinne, native of Nigeria, was a Ph.D. student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Mississippi State University. Her doctoral research examined how travel, socio-economic, and demographic attributes impact the well-being of travelers. She graduated in 2022 and we wish her luck in her new position.


Originally from Lalitpur, Nepal, Sanju conducted research on transport access and equity as a Ph.D. student in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Mississippi State University. She graduated in 2022 and we wish her luck in her new position.