Ermagun, A., & Koury, E. (2024). Disproportionate impact of weekday-to-weekend transit service cuts on access for disadvantaged populations. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 130, 104169.
Ermagun, A., & Witlox, F. (2024). Transit access effectiveness in American metropolitan areas. Journal of Transport Geography, 116, 103853.
Ermagun, A., Smith, V., & Janatabadi, F. (2024). High urban flood risk and no shelter access disproportionally impacts vulnerable communities in the USA. Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1), 2.
Janatabadi, F., & Ermagun, A. (2024). Four-step framework for untangling place and mobility components of access: An equal opportunity perspective. Journal of Transport Geography, 116, 103831.
Janatabadi, F., & Ermagun, A. (2024). Access weight matrix: A place and mobility infused spatial weight matrix. Geographical Analysis.
Janatabadi, F., Newing, A., & Ermagun, A. (2024). Social and spatial inequalities of contemporary food deserts: A compound of store and online access to food in the United Kingdom. Applied Geography, 163, 103184.
Maharjan, S., Janatabadi, F., & Ermagun, A. (2024). Spatial inequity of transit and automobile access gap across America for underserved population. Transportation Research Record, 2678(1), 674-690.
Ermagun, A., Tajik, N., Janatabadi, F., & Mahmassani, H. (2023). Uncertainty in vulnerability of metro transit networks: A global perspective. Journal of Transport Geography, 113, 103710.
Ermagun, A., Erinne, J., & De Vos, J. (2023). Daily activity duration tolerance: a sensitivity analysis of emotional well-being to activity duration. Transportation, 1-25.
Ermagun, A., Erinne, J., & Maharjan, S. (2023). Equity of bike infrastructure access in the United States: a risky commute for socially vulnerable populations. Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, 3(3), 035001.
Koloushani, M., Ghorbanzadeh, M., Ozguven, E. E., & Ermagun, A. (2023). A conceptualization of the spatial relationship associated with school-related crashes: A case study in Northwest Florida. Transportation Planning and Technology, 46(6), 795-817.
De Vos, J., Ermagun, A., & Shaw, F. A. (2023). Wait time, travel time and waiting during travel: existing research and future directions. Transport Reviews, 1-6.
Ermagun, A., Janatabadi, F., & Maharjan, S. (2023). Inequity analysis of spatial mismatch for low-income socially vulnerable populations across America. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 118, 103692.
Ermagun, A., Tajik, N., & Mahmassani, H. (2023). Uncertainty in vulnerability ofnetworks under attack. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 3179.
Janatabadi, F., & Ermagun, A. (2023). Unraveling transit service and land use components of the socio-spatial inequality of access. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 23998083231207534.
- Janatabadi, F., Maharjan, S., & Ermagun, A. (2022). A spatiotemporal disparity of transit and automobile access gap and its impact on transit use. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 23998083221147527.
- Ermagun, A., & Erinne, J. (2022). A systematic exclusion induced by institutional ranking in engineering faculty hiring: Introducing a cycle of winners and losers. Plos one, 17(12), e0275861.
- Maharjan, S., Tilahun, N., & Ermagun, A. (2022). Spatial equity of modal access gap to multiple destination types across Chicago. Journal of Transport Geography, 104, 103437.
- Erinne, J., Ermagun, A., & Fan, Y. (2022). Just because I’m a woman: Gender happiness gap in human mobility. Travel behaviour and society, 29, 224-235.
- Ermagun, A., & Tajik, N. (2022). Multiple-drones-multiple-trucks routing problem for disruption assessment. Transportation Research Record, 03611981221108378.
- Nagurney, A., & Ermagun, A. (2022). Resilience of supply chain networks to labor disruptions. Findings.
- Janatabadi, F., & Ermagun, A. (2022). “Slim down” with a ticket to ride: A systematic literature review. Journal of Transport & Health, 24, 101327.
- Ermagun, A., Kelarestaghi, K. B., & Heaslip, K. (2022). The impact of potentially realistic fabricated road sign messages on route change. IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 3, 137-145.
- Janatabadi, F., & Ermagun, A. (2022). Empirical evidence of bias in public acceptance of autonomous vehicles. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 84, 330-347.
- Ermagun, A., Erinne, J., & Fan, Y. (2022). Travel duration tolerance: Examining the sensitivity of emotional well-being to trip duration. Transportation research part D: transport and environment, 102, 103137.
- Ermagun, A. (2021). Transit access and urban space-time structure of American cities. Journal of Transport Geography, 93, 103066.
- Ermagun, A., Kelarestaghi, K. B., & Heaslip, K. (2021). Drivers’ self-reported responses to a potentially realistic fabricated road sign message. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 78, 103-118.
- Sohrabi, S., & Ermagun, A. (2021). Dynamic bike sharing traffic prediction using spatiotemporal pattern detection. Transportation research part D: transport and environment, 90, 102647.
- Ermagun, A., & Tajik, N. (2021). Recovery patterns and physics of the network. PLoS one, 16(1), e0245396.
- Morshedlou, N., Barker, K., González, A. D., & Ermagun, A. (2021). A heuristic approach to an interdependent restoration planning and crew routing problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 161, 107626.
- Ermagun, A., & Stathopoulos, A. (2021). Crowd-shipping delivery performance from bidding to delivering. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 100614.
- Bakhsh Kelarestaghi, K., Ermagun, A., Heaslip, K., & Rose, J. (2020). Choice of speed under compromised dynamic message signs. PLoS one, 15(12), e0243567.
- Ermagun, A., & Tilahun, N. (2020). Equity of transit accessibility across Chicago. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 86, 102461.
- Ermagun, A., Punel, A., & Stathopoulos, A. (2020). Shipment status prediction in online crowd-sourced shipping platforms. Sustainable Cities and Society, 53, 101950.
- Ermagun, A., Kelarestaghi, K. B., Finney, M., & Heaslip, K. (2020). “Speed up to hit the worker”: Impact of hacked road signs on work zone safety. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology.
- Kelarestaghi, K. B., Ermagun, A., Heaslip, K., & Rose, J. (2020). Choice of speed under compromised dynamic message signs. PloS one, 15(12): e0243567.
- Mehdizadeh, M., & Ermagun, A. (2020). “I’ll never stop driving my child to school”: On multimodal and monomodal car users. Transportation, 47(3), 1071-1102.
- Vahedifard, F., Ermagun, A., Mortezaei, K., & AghaKouchak, A. (2019). Integrated data could augment resilience. Science, 363(6423), 134-134.
- Ermagun, A., Shamshiripour, A., & Stathopoulos, A. (2019). Performance analysis of crowd-shipping in urban and suburban areas. Transportation, 1-31.
- Punel, A., Hassan, L. A. H., & Ermagun, A. (2019). Variations in airline passenger expectation of service quality across the globe. Tourism Management, 75, 491-508.
- Ermagun, A., & Levinson, D. (2019). Spatiotemporal short-term traffic forecasting using the network weight matrix and systematic detrending. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 104, 38-52.
- Carlson, K., Ermagun, A., Murphy, B., Owen, A., & Levinson, D. (2019). Safety in numbers for bicyclists at urban intersections. Transportation Research Record, 2673(6), 677-684.
- Kelarestaghi, K. B., Ermagun, A., & Heaslip, K. P. (2019). Cycling usage and frequency determinants in college campuses. Cities, 90, 216-228.
- Biehl, A., Ermagun, A., & Stathopoulos, A. (2019). Utilizing multi-stage behavior change theory to model the process of bike share adoption. Transport Policy, 77, 30-45.
- Punel, A., Ermagun, A., & Stathopoulos, A. (2019). Push and pull factors in adopting a crowdsourced delivery system. Transportation Research Record, 2673(7), 529-540.
- Ermagun, A., & Levinson, D. M. (2019). Development and application of the network weight matrix to predict traffic flow for congested and uncongested conditions. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 46(9), 1684-1705.
- Ermagun, A., Lindsey, G., & Loh, T. H. (2018). Bicycle, pedestrian, and mixed-mode trail traffic: A performance assessment of demand models. Landscape and Urban Planning, 177, 92-102.
- Ermagun, A., & Stathopoulos, A. (2018). To bid or not to bid: An empirical study of the supply determinants of crowd-shipping. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 116, 468-483.
- Ermagun, A., Lindsey, G., & Loh, T. H. (2018). Urban trails and demand response to weather variations. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 63, 404-420.
- Biehl, A., Ermagun, A., & Stathopoulos, A. (2018). Modelling determinants of walking and cycling adoption: A stage-of-change perspective. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 58, 452-470.
- Punel, A., Ermagun, A., & Stathopoulos, A. (2018). Studying determinants of crowd-shipping use. Travel Behaviour and Society, 12, 30-40.
- Punel, A., & Ermagun, A. (2018). Using Twitter network to detect market segments in the airline industry. Journal of Air Transport Management, 73, 67-76.
- Ermagun, A., & Levinson, D. (2018). Spatiotemporal traffic forecasting: review and proposed directions. Transport Reviews, 38(6), 786-814.
- Abasahl, F., Kelarestaghi, K. B., & Ermagun, A. (2018). Gender gap generators for bicycle mode choice in Baltimore college campuses. Travel Behaviour and Society, 11, 78-85.
- Biehl, A., Ermagun, A., & Stathopoulos, A. (2018). Community mobility MAUP-ing: A socio-spatial investigation of bikeshare demand in Chicago. Journal of Transport Geography, 66, 80-90.
- Sohrabi, S., & Ermagun, A. (2018). Optimum capacity of freeways: A stochastic approach. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 144(7), 04018032.
- Ermagun, A., & Samimi, A. (2018). Potential cost savings of promoting active travel to school. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 6(1), 167-177.
- Ermagun, A., Fan, Y., Wolfson, J., Adomavicius, G., & Das, K. (2017). Real-time trip purpose prediction using online location-based search and discovery services. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 77, 96-112.
- Ermagun, A., & Levinson, D. (2018). An introduction to the network weight matrix. Geographical Analysis, 50(1), 76-96.
- Ermagun, A., Chatterjee, S., & Levinson, D. (2017). Using temporal detrending to observe the spatial correlation of traffic. PloS one, 12(5), e0176853.
- Ermagun, A., & Samimi, A. (2018). Mode choice and travel distance joint models in school trips. Transportation, 45(6), 1755-1781.
- Ermagun, A., & Levinson, D. (2017). Public transit, active travel, and the journey to school: a cross-nested logit analysis. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 13(1), 24-37.
- Ermagun, A., & Levinson, D. (2017). “Transit makes you short”: On health impact assessment of transportation and the built environment. Journal of Transport & Health, 4, 373-387.
- Sun, B., Ermagun, A., & Dan, B. (2017). Built environmental impacts on commuting mode choice and distance: Evidence from Shanghai. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 52, 441-453.
- Cao, J., & Ermagun, A. (2017). Influences of LRT on travel behaviour: A retrospective study on movers in Minneapolis. Urban Studies, 54(11), 2504-2520.
- Ji, Y., Fan, Y., Ermagun, A., Cao, X., Wang, W., & Das, K. (2017). Public bicycle as a feeder mode to rail transit in China: The role of gender, age, income, trip purpose, and bicycle theft experience. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 11(4), 308-317.
- Ermagun, A., & Levinson, D. (2016). Intra-household bargaining for school trip accompaniment of children: A group decision approach. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 94, 222-234.
- Ermagun, A., Hajivosough, S., Samimi, A., & Rashidi, T. H. (2016). A joint model for trip purpose and escorting patterns of the disabled. Travel Behaviour and Society, 3, 51-58.
- Ermagun, A., & Lindsey, G. (2016). Differences in spending by local trail users: Two-part model of expenditures. Transportation Research Record, 2598(1), 58-66.
- Ermagun, A., Samimi, A., & Rashidi, T. H. (2016). How far is too far? Providing safe and comfortable walking environments. Transportation Research Record, 2586(1), 72-82.
- Kamali, M., Ermagun, A., Viswanathan, K., & Pinjari, A. R. (2016). Deriving truck route choice from large GPS data streams. Transportation Research Record, 2563(1), 62-70.
- Ermagun, A., & Samimi, A. (2015). Promoting active transportation modes in school trips. Transport Policy, 37, 203-211.
- Ermagun, A., Hossein Rashidi, T., & Samimi, A. (2015). A joint model for mode choice and escort decisions of school trips. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 11(3), 270-289.
- Ermagun, A., & Samimi, A. (2016). How are children accompanied to school? Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 142(3), 04016002.
- Ermagun, A., Rashidi, T. H., & Lari, Z. A. (2015). Mode choice for school trips: long-term planning and impact of modal specification on policy assessments. Transportation Research Record, 2513(1), 97-105.
- Samimi, A., & Ermagun, A., (2013). Students’ tendency to walk to school: case study of Tehran. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 139 (2), 144-152.